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Quotidian Acumen

daily epigrams that capture the essence of the times

Tuesday, January 31

Bush says addicted to oil, when obsessed under the Israeli spell is the real problem. 

Monday, January 30

Ayman al-Zawahri challenges Bush for truce, just wait for fearless leader's State of the Disunion answer. 

Friday, January 27

Howard Dean insults the intelligence of Americans that no DemocRAT got money through Jack! 

Thursday, January 26

Democratic vote could bring Hamas to power has the NeoCons running to build higher walls. 

Wednesday, January 25

Hamas wins Palestinian elections, parliament will be a new battlefield of power factions. 

Tuesday, January 24

Democrats push the partisan agenda on Alito will come home to roost for turkeys next election. 

Monday, January 23

Looks like Ford will only be selling cars overseas, as the Chinese ready to dominate the domestic market. 

Friday, January 20

Iran removing deposit reserves from western banks, governments can't steal what's not there. 

Thursday, January 19

Bin Laden audiotape sets the stage for the next staged terrorist attack from psyops designer terrorists. 

Wednesday, January 18

Supreme Court ducks the abortion issue, just waiting for the big fight that will never come? 

Tuesday, January 17

Hastert urges new restrictions on gifts from lobbyists, what about term limits to stop the systemic bribes? 

Monday, January 16

MLK holiday hardly an improvement for a celebration, just another sign of multicultural madness. 

Friday, January 13

Slam dunk for Alito, Democrats expose themselves as fools and ghoul , the public will remember. 

Wednesday, January 11

North Korea secret meeting with China and Russia, means the Empire has produced unity among Commies. 

Tuesday, January 10

Iran breaks U.N. seals on its nuclear enrichment facility, start the clock the air strike ready to go! 

Monday, January 9

Good judges have no agenda by lawyers have a culture that far perverts the law as their prime objective. 

Friday, January 6

GOP ready to dump Delay, and Duke Cunningham wears wire to implicate others, bliss Republican style! 

Thursday, January 5

Gingrich warns GOP risks losing control of congress, do you believe real reform RepubliCAN'T Party possible? 

Wednesday, January 4

Sharon brain dead, the body finally catches up with the rest of the man . . . 

Tuesday, January 3

Jack Abramoff man in black pleads guilty, roots as a Hasidic Jew or just another 'Good Fellow' doing business? 

Monday, January 2

Bush defends domestic spying, sure why not when your own policy makes enemies of the world! 


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